Thursday, 8 October 2015

The Grounds of Alexandria

The Grounds of Alexandria

Sydneysiders!!! This place is just so on fleek!

I'm in awe

From just a short bus ride or taxi trip from Central station in Sydney’s CBD, you will find this gem sitting amongst a concrete jungle! The Grounds of Alexandria has an awesome rustic charm meets farm-life vibe, something that you wouldn’t expect to see in the middle of the city! It has a restaurant, flowershop, cafè, bakery and bar!
More farm animals! 

cutest pig out! 

I was able to enjoy a refreshing fruit crush and artesian burger, all amongst the picturesque garden! Sit back, relax and just enjoy the finer things in life. Walk around and you’ll see some farm animals such as pigs and goats, as well as a parrot just hanging out in one of the restaurants!

Parrot just chilling out!

I can just feel the Indieness flowing right into my veins on this one.



Checkout their website for more information: 

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